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          Momohou.com Supplier Service Terms

          Momohou.com will provide services to you subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. Please read these terms carefully and comply with these terms when using the services. 
          欢迎阅读上海莫莫猴电子商务有限公司(莫莫猴)服务条款协议(下称“本协议”)。本协议阐述之条款和条件适用于您使用莫莫猴网站(所涉域名为 :Momohou.com,下同),所提供的在企业间(B-TO-B)电子市场(e-market)中进行贸易的各种工具和服务(下称“服务”)。 
          Please read the momohou.com Service Terms of Shang Hai Momohou E-commerce co., ltd. (“Momohou”) (this “Agreement”). The terms and conditions set forth herein shall apply to your use of various tools and services for trade provided by momohou.com website (which include the domain names momohou.com) for use in the global business-to-business (B2B) e-markets (the “Services”).
          Article 1 Acceptance of the Terms
          1.1 The content of this Agreement includes the main text hereof and various rules which have been or may be published in future by momohou.com. All such rules are an integral part of this Agreement, and all have the same legal effect as the main text hereof.
          1.2 Your login to the momohou.com website by whatever means and your use of the Services indicates that you have fully read, understood and agreed to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement (collectively the “Terms”).
          1.3 Momohou has the right to amend any Terms in accordance with its businessneeds and will amend theTerms by posting the revised and restated Terms on its website without any further notice to you separately. The amended and restated Terms shall take effect upon its publication at the momohou.com website. If you disagree with such amendment, please terminate your use of the Services immediately. Otherwise, it will be deemed that you have accepted the revised and restated Terms. Inthe event of dispute arising between you and Momohou, the latest Terms shall prevail.
          Article 2 Registration
          2.1 Eligible Users of the Services
          You hereby acknowledge that, when you complete the registration process or otherwise use the Services by other means permitted by Momohou, you are a person, a legal entity or any organization that has full legal capacity and the capacity for civil conducts you purport to undertake. If you do not possess the foregoing capacity, please do not use the Services; If you register at the Momohou.com website on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you hereby represent and warrant that you have the authority to procure such company or legal entity to be bound by the Terms of this Agreement.
          2.2 Account registration
          2.2.1 After you fill in the information in accordance with the instructions on the registration or activation page, read and accept this Agreement and complete all the registration / activation / verification procedures, or when you otherwise use the Services of the Momohou.com website in methods permitted by Momohou, you become bound by this Agreement. You may log in to the Momohou.com website via the account name you have provided or confirmed as your login name or by other means recognized by Momohou.
          2.2.2 莫莫猴仅对国外供应商及其在中国大陆地区代表或总代理开放供应商注册。如果您是个人或者其他类型经销商,您的注册申请将不会被接受。
          2.2.2 Momohou only to foreign suppliers and their representatives in the mainland Chinese or general agent open registration. Your application will not be accepted if you are an individual or any other type of dealer.
          2.2.3 After completing the procedures for registration or activation, you must correctly provide and update your information following the instructions on the corresponding webpages of this website in accordance with the laws and regulations so as to ensure the information provided is true, up-to-date, complete and accurate. If there are reasonable grounds to doubt  that the information you have provided is incorrect, false, outdated or incomplete, Momohou has the right to send you an inquiry and/or a notice requesting correction and to directly delete any corresponding information until the suspension or termination of the Services (in whole or in part) provided to you without any liability.
          Article 3 Account Security
          You are solely responsible for the confidentiality of your login name and password, and all activities that occur under your login name (including but not limited to, disclosure or release of information, clicking “agree” or “submit any products infomation” to accept any rules or agreements online, renewing agreements or purchasing services online, etc.). 
          Article Four Fees
          After completion of registration,You will be the formal supplier of Momohou.  Momohou reserves the right to charge fees for the Services with a notice to you in accordance with Article 1.3. In addition, if you choose paid Services (Including but not limited to advertising, business promotion, etc.)obtained from Momohou, shall be borne by you.
          1.1“您的资料”包括您在注册、提交产品信息或交易等过程中、在任何公开信息场合或通过任何电子邮件形式,向莫莫猴或其他用户提供的任何资料 ,包括数据、文本、软件、音乐、声响、照片、图画、影像、词句或其他材料。您应对“您的资料”负全部责任。
          d.不会违反任何法律、法规、条例或规章(包括但不限于关于规范出口管理、凭许可证经营、贸易配额、保护消费者、不正当竞争或虚假广告的法律、法 规、条例或规章)、本协议及相关规则; 
          g.不会含有蓄意毁坏、恶意干扰、秘密地截取或侵占任何系统、数据或个人资料的任何病毒、伪装破坏程序、电脑蠕虫、定时程序炸弹或 其他电脑程序; 
          2.2产品上架方式:供应商产品的发布需通过莫莫猴的审核,由莫莫猴进行产品信息编辑、上架、展示、咨询答复、产品销售、 物流配送服务及相应的售后服务等。
          Article 5 Rules for Using the Services
          5.1 Rules regarding Your  Content
          5.1.1 “User Content” means anycontent provided by you during registration, posting, transactions, other public forums or via email to Momohou or other users, including but not limited to data, text, software, music, audio, photo, images, videos, expressions or other materials. You are solely responsible for your User Content while Momohou is merely the passive channel via which you post and publish UserContent.
          5.1.2 You agree and undertake, that User Content or Products provided by you for trading on Momohou.com  ( “Products” shall mean all products, Including but not limited to the product itself, accessories, gifts and packaging, etc.):  
          a.does not contain fraudulent elements and are not involved in the sale of counterfeit or stolen items;
          b.does not contain any exaggerated or false content, product information is true, accurate, consistent with the actual products sold.
          c. does not infringe the proprietary right, copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, or privacy rights or reputation of any third party;    
          d. does not violate any laws, regulations, rules or ordinances (including but not limited to those in relation to export control, operation subject to license, trade quota, consumer protection, unfair competition or false advertising), this Agreement and any relevant rules;
          e. does not include any contents constituting defamation (including commercial defamation), illegal intimidation or illegal harassment;
          f. does not include any obscene contents or child pornography;
          g. does not contain any virus, Trojan house, worm, time-bomb program or other computer program that deliberately destroys, maliciously disturbs, secretly intercepts or encroaches upon any system, data or personal information;  
          1.3 You agree that you will not use any information for commercial purposes, including but not limited to copying the transaction data, user information, payment information and other users information displayed at Momohou.com and use the same for commercial purposes without the prior written approval of Momohou.  
          2 Rules for Transactions
          2.1 The legality of the product: you guarantee that the products provided by you have legitimate property rights (including but not limited to ownership, intellectual property rights and other rights) or have been legally authorized, there is no infringement of the legitimate rights of others.
          2.2 Product forsale mode: The supplier product release should by Momohou audit,and through Momohou making product's information editing, online for sale, display, consulting reply, product sales, logistics and distribution services and customer service, etc.
          2.3 Product purchasing: Buyers purchase products from suppliers through Momohou.com. Momohou integrated purchasing order and sign purchase contract with suppliers.Be responsible for import and payment settlement of purchased products.
          2.1 无法提供证明文件或提供虚假资质文件的;
          2.2 产品涉嫌假冒伪劣的;
          2.3 销售及服务出现侵犯他人合法权利或违反任何法律法规规定的;
          2.4 其他违反本协议约定和莫莫猴规则的;
          Article 6 Account opening and stop
          1.Account opening
          1.1 You have registered in this Agreement and in accordance with the relevant rules of the Momohou and submit the documents or other relevant certificates, and has passed the audit Momohou.
          1.2 With the opened service for you, you can use your user name and password login , and upload product information that according to the relevant rules with Momohou, and use other paid or unpaid services of this agreement etc.
          2. Account stop
          In any of the following circumstances, Momohou have the right to terminate your service at any time.
          2.1 Unable to provide documentary evidence or provide false qualification documents;
          2.2 Products suspected of fake and shoddy;
          2.3 Sales and services that infringe upon the legal rights of others or violate any laws and regulations;
          2.4 Other violations of this Agreement and Momohou rules;
          Article 7 Breach of contract responsibility
          Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement and Momohou rules, such as a breach, the other party can be written notice to require the defaulting party to stop the breach within a specified time limit, and breach of contract caused by the loss of claims, such as the breaching party fails to stop the breach, the non defaulting party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately.
          Article 8 Force Majeure
          Momohou shall not be liable for any delay or failure of performance hereof as a result of events beyond the reasonable control of momohou, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes or riots, shortages of materials or rationing, rebellion, war, governmental actions, failure of communication or other facilities, or serious casualties. 
          Article 9  Governing Law, Jurisdiction and General Provisions
          1. The validity, interpretation, amendment, execution and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. In the absence of relevant laws and regulations, the general international business practices and/or trade practices shall apply.
          2.Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Services shall be referred to the People’s Court for litigation in the jurisdiction where Momohou is located.



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